This particular blogger had a very long day full of work, and he really just wants to go to sleep, but first, he’d like to share some hilarious, entertaining and educational art links with you so you can partake in that grand pastime of all humanity, putting off work and getting nothing done on the weekends. Ah, procrastination.
1. For the BeyHive.
If you don’t know what that play on words refers to, you probably won’t find this first link funny. That’s OK. Move on to the next one. If you DO know what that word up there means, check out Beyonce Art History, the ultimate combination of famous artwork and the Queen Bey. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been updated in a while, but there is still plenty of hilariously captioned photos to sift through.
2. For members of the NYC contemporary art scene, and those who admire from afar.
The Times Online voted Art F City NYC’s best art blog, and I’m telling you, they voted right. Made by people who love and/or make art, for people who love and/or make art, this blog will make you feel like you’re right in the center of the Big Apple, from the comfort of your spacious living room. Check out features like, “We Went To,” described as articles “in which we talk about art like normal people” or the “Emerging Artist Series.”
3. For the person who keeps trying to make “fetch” happen.
Mean Girls came out 10 years ago, and I still quote it at least three times a day, probably. It’s the modern-day Breakfast Club. (Fun fact: I’m a movie nerd). So if you love Mean Girls as much as me, check out Art History’s Burn Book, combining the best quotes from the movie (read: all the quotes from the movie) with classic artwork. (Warning: slight language).
4. For the person who goes 😯 or 😛 or maybe even
for art.
Because this is the sort of thing people do in 21st century America, check out #emojiarthistory on Twitter or Tumblr. Trust me, you’ll be scrolling for days.
Have a good, thoroughly unproductive weekend!