Women’s History Month!

It’s a question no one has asked me in a long time.  During our exhibit at the PTO expo in Pleasanton, CA last week, an attendee asked me why there are so few women artists in the Art Docent Program.  … Continued

Looking at Art

I recently read a magazine article about the pursuit of beauty that has stuck with me.  It was written by a 40-year veteran art teacher who is alarmed about the future of American art. “Young people today, immersed in a … Continued

Arts & Activities Magazine

One of our most treasured resources as art education enthusiasts is the Arts & Activities Magazine. This monthly magazine features great tools for those teaching kindergarten through high school and parents who simply love art. It provides step-by-step directions for … Continued

Teaching Creativity

The process of creating, exploring and discovering through art helps children develop many important life skills. Art helps foster positive mental health, while also allowing children to explore their imagination and communicate feelings they might not otherwise express. The skills … Continued

Claude Monet: Artist, impressionist, marvel

Eminent for his impressionist pieces featuring brilliant water lilies, colorful gardens and epic landscapes, Claude Monet was an artist whose name is recognized around the world. On the 12th of this month, Monet would have celebrated his 172nd birthday. So, … Continued

Youth Art Month: Make Your Mark This March!

Well, it’s finally here! It’s Youth Art Month (YAM) during the month of March, and this couldn’t be a better time to share the power of art with your school and community. YAM was created in 1961 by the Art … Continued

All About Basquiat

It’s February everyone! You know what that means. Yes, Valentine’s Day has come and gone– but we’d like to recognize Black History Month! In honor of this historical month, we’d like to talk about a very important and, beyond all … Continued

A Splash at MacWorld II

Imagine what a magazine of the future would like with EDITION29 THE MUSEUM, an app that we oohed and awed over! It’s an exciting new visual magazine for the Apple Inc. iPad platform. This highly collectible magazine is a visual … Continued

Art Docent Program Makes a Splash at MacWorld!

As we drove across the Bay Bridge on a sun-drenched Friday morning, admiring the meringue-like fog covering the bay, we weren’t sure what to expect at our visit to MacWorld/iWorld, the all-things Apple Inc. convention and exhibition. Our digital partner, … Continued